About Us

SSBTi (Supply-chain council for Science-Based Targets initiatives & standards) is a global environmental impact non-profit working to help supply chain to tackle Carbon Disclosure and Science-Based Targets initiatives.
SSBTi works by offering innovative solutions and sharing standardized GHG data base that enables supply chains to measure and manage their environmental impacts.
With comprehensive carbon disclosure & reduction expertise from the professional verifiers, the world’s supply chain looks to SSBTi as low cost and best quality shareware solution for environmental reporting and initiatives
Its members are from different industry around the globe, and use our carbon database and professional team’s shared network for their better-informed independent third party verification.
What to do?
Carbon Disclosure flowchart: Step 1-APP disclosure template established by AI based APP, Step 2-Disclosure GHG data and submitting invoices/records by APP; Step 3-On line or on site checking of the disclosure with shipments and logistics numbers.
Scienced-based Targets flowchart: Step 1: Carbon Disclosure Data review and analysis by AI-based APP/website; Step 2: Identify reduction opportunities and possible solutions by joined members’ professional team; Step 3: Mutual monitored and shared SBTi progress by member teams.

How it works
Control the footprint: We believe the key part to connect a supply chain is packaging and transportation, and low-carbon and light-weighted green packaging solutions can help control the carbon footprint while reducing the carbon emissions.
Share to get more: Member shall be invited or accepted to joint SSBTi if they can offer at least one professional verifier (people), at least one innovative solution (tools), and two more years’ carbon disclosure data (database) to share with other Members.
Triple Assurance Verifications: a. On-line and in-time: Members disclosure their initial data by AI-based APP/Website which offers tailor-made questionnaire templates to collect data along the supply chain in time; b. Independent and better-informed verifications: Verifiers are from different industry with credits and recognitions in carbon disclosure; c. Controlled and verified Footprint: By implementing recommended low-carbon packaging solutions to verify the disclosure data with the shipments and logistics numbers.
Regional Cooperation Organization
1.5cSBTi ( NGO) ASIA
One-point-five Degree Science-Based Targets initiative Standards Association(一點五度科學減碳倡議標準協會)
Mother Goose E. Consulting (Shanghai) Corp.
An independent consultant & versifier for Carbon Disclosure.
The number of partners joining the SSBTi.org alliance is increasing.


Executive Committee Chairman
Mr. J.M. Wang, Chief Verifier,National Certified Advanced Industrial Safety Engineer No 3351 Walmart Gigaton 5 years experience, CDP verification 8 years experience .
10 years experience in the GHG related field.
Professional Team of Mother Goose E. Consulting (Shanghai) Corp. (MGC) : A group of professionals as independent consultants & versifiers for Carbon Disclosure since 2012.
Mr. J.M. Wang,President & CEO, Nanozeo Inc.Senior Director, CJCHT Group.
Bachelor and Master of Industrial Engineering from Chiaotong University, Taiwan (NCTU).
Hororary Board Director and Chief Architect

Prof. Ching-Pin Tung
Prof. Ching-pin Tung
Email: cptung@gmail.com
Tel : +886-2-33663461
Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering
National Taiwan University
In the realm of sustainable development and climate change, Professor Ching-Pin Tung stands out as a guiding force at National Taiwan University (NTU). A prestigious professor in the Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, he also used to serve as the Executive Director of the Office of Sustainability at NTU.
After graduating from NTU with a degree in Agricultural Engineering, Professor Tung pursued his studies in the United States, earning both his Master's and Doctoral degrees from Cornell University's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Since 1996, he has been imparting knowledge and expertise back at his alma mater, which later rebranded its department to better reflect its focus on Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering. Under Professor Tung’s stewardship, the laboratory has been aptly named the "Sustainability Development Lab," emphasizing humanities' return to humanistic concern, improving quality of life, and ensuring the enduring health of our planet's ecosystems. His research focuses on (1) sustainability management related to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), (2) climate change risk assessment and response, (3) environmental systems analysis, and (4) integrated watershed management (5) life cycle assessment (LCA), and (6) sustainable supply chain engagement and management.
Apart from his academic endeavors, Professor Tung has proactively involved in integrating and planning NTU's sustainable campus governance and social responsibility strategies. He plays a pivotal role in publishing bilingual university social responsibility and sustainability reports for the university. These reports include strategies for NTU to achieve carbon neutrality by 2048 and outline a pathway to a low-carbon transition, fostering sustainable development in university operations. His recent research advances include (1) developing interdisciplinary climate adaptation technologies, (2) constructing sustainable and smart resilient adaptation service platforms, and (3) promoting climate adaptation education and industry-academia collaboration. This ensures that governmental bodies, academic circles, and industries can collectively address the challenges posed by climate change.
In a notable collaboration in 2021, Professor Tung's research team joined forces with prominent organizations like CDIB Capital Group, EY Taiwan, and Chunghwa Telecom to sign a memorandum of understanding that contributes to the RICE Alliance's financial enterprise risk platform. This venture aims to integrate standardized climate risk assessment modules and databases, assisting the financial sector in incorporating climate change risks into investment planning. This initiative responds to the call for Green Finance 2.0 and Corporate Governance 3.0, enhancing the financial industry's ESG disclosure quality and resilience to climate risks, thereby expanding the sustainable influence and operations of the financial market. More research projects, related to TCFD, TNFD, and IFRS S1 and S2, and SDG impact measurement and management, are being studied.
For further inquiries or to discuss collaboration opportunities, Professor Ching-Pin Tung can be contacted at NTU via phone or by email.
Email :cptung@gmail.com
童教授自臺灣大學農業工程學系畢業後赴美國就讀康乃爾大學土木暨環境工程系,取得硕士及博士學位後,於1996年起在母系任教迄今,系所後來更名為生物環境系統工程學系。21世紀應該回歸人文的關懷,關懷人類發展、提高生活品質、與維持地球自然生態環境,以確保生態環境永續性與經濟社會持續發展為目標,基於此期許·將研究室取名為「永續發展研究室」。主要研究領域包括(一)ESG 永續治理、(二)氣候變遷風險評估與因應、(三)環境系統分析、(四)整合性流域管理、(五)生命週期分析與、(六)永續供應鏈管理。
近期之研究並結合研究支援產業ESG 治理,主持之研究團隊於2021年與中華開發、安永會計、中華電信共同簽訂合作備忘錄,參與RICE聯盟所建構之金融企業風險平台,結合研究團隊發展技術建構標準化的氣候風險評估模組與資料庫,協助金融業將氣候變遷風險評估納入投資規劃中,以響應綠色金融2.0與公司治理3.0,提升金融業 ESG 資訊揭露品質及因應氣候變遷風險的韌性,擴大金融市場的影響力與永續經營,同時也可應用於其他企業提升永續治理與競爭力。
Contact Us
11F-5, No.65, Gaotie 7th Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 30273, Taiwan, R.O.C.
info@ssbti.org | Tel: +886-3-6589912