SSBTi Podcast
WebLCA Training 1 :Understanding LCA Methods and Concepts
WEBLCA培訓課程1: 如何理解LCA方法和基礎概念
WebLCA Training 1: Understanding LCA Methods and Concepts
WEBLCA培訓課程1: 如何理解LCA方法和基礎概念
Speaker1:So like imagine you’re buying something new like a new phone and right there on the box it shows you like the whole environmental impact not just recycled packaging but like everything from the minds to how much energy it took to make it. That’s what we’re looking into today and it’s already happening faster than you think, especially in China.
Speaker2 : What I think is really interesting is that we’re going beyond like companies just trying to be green. yeah. This training document we’re looking at about WebLCA, shows how China is getting ready for like a world where knowing the environmental impact of a product is actually the law.
我認為真正有趣的是,我們正在超越公司僅僅試圖變得環保的階段。是的。我們正在查看的這份有關 WebLCA 的培訓文件顯示,中國正在為一個了解產品環境影響實際成為法律的世界做好準備。
Speaker1: So it’s not just like for marketing anymore , the EU is like making companies prove how sustainable their products are. exactly.
Speaker2: and they’re starting with batteries and China is a huge player in that market, right ? The EU regulations are like a ripple effect.
It’s pushing companies all over the world to adopt these like really detailed assessments called LCA. ok.
這正在推動全球的公司採用這些非常詳細的評估,稱為 LCA。好的。
Speaker1 : and China is using WebLCA to do just that.
Speaker1 : 中國正在使用 WebLCA 來做到這一點。
Speaker2 : Hold on back up for a second. What exactly is an LCA? good question for people who haven’t been like reading every sustainability report. right.
Speaker2 : 等一下,稍微退後一下。LCA 到底是什麼?對於那些沒有閱讀每份可持續性報告的人來說,這是一個好問題。對吧。
Speaker1:Think of it like a products environmental passport. right.
And LCA breaks down every single stage of a product’s life, from digging up the raw materials to manufacturing use and even what happens to it when you finally throw it away. okay. It calculates the total environmental impact across that whole journey.
LCA 會分析產品生命週期的每一個階段,從挖掘原材料到製造使用,甚至是當你最終將其丟棄時發生的事情。好的。它計算整個過程中的總環境影響。
lifespan. the whole thing. But why is the EU pushing this so hard right now? It seems like a pretty big change.
Speaker1:For years, companies mostly used LCA’s for their own internal stuff, like to figure out how to make their products less harmful to the environment or like make their processes better.
But the EU regulations are changing the game. They’re making carbon footprint labeling mandatory.
Speaker2: since China exports so much stuff. Yeah, especially to the EU. they have to get on board.
Speaker1: so it’s almost like a domino effect. The EU makes a rule and suddenly factories on the other side of the world have to change everything.
Speaker2 : Exactly. And this training document shows how seriously China’s taking this. Yeah.
Speaker2 : 正是如此。這份培訓文件顯示了中國對此事的重視程度。是的。
They’re not just trying to comply. They’re developing their own national database and tools like WebLCA to manage this whole process.
他們不僅僅是在遵守規定。他們正在開發自己的國家數據庫和像 WebLCA 這樣的工具來管理整個過程。
Speaker1 : you mentioned databases a couple times.
what’s so important about the middle of this?
Speaker2:They’re basically the foundation of an accurate LCA. imagine trying to calculate the carbon footprint of like, I don’t know, a smartphone. Yeah. but you have no idea how much energy took to mine the lithium for the battery or how much pollution was created making the
Speaker1: plastic parts. You just be guessing right ? Like garbage in garbage out. exactly.
Speaker2 : You need reliable data on the environmental impact of all those different processes. And that’s where these databases come in. Ok they’re like an encyclopedia of environmental impacts. for everything from like basic materials to complex manufacturing.
Speaker1:Okay, that makes sense. But who’s putting these databases together ? Is it like some global
Sustainability police or something?
Speaker2 : It’s actually not as centralized as you might think. Okay. The document says there are only four independent databases globally that offer comprehensive data on the environmental impact of the most common materials and processes.
Here’s the interesting part. One of them is from China.
Speaker1:So they’re adapting to the EU rules, right. But they’re also building up their own expertise and resources in the whole LCA thing. exactly. that’s smart.
Speaker2:They’ve developed a database called CLCD that covers a huge range of materials and processes, which puts them in a really strong position.
他們開發了一個名為 CLCD 的資料庫,涵蓋了大量的材料和工藝,這使他們處於一個非常強大的位置。
Because Ica and carbon footprinting are only becoming more important for international trade.
因為 Ica 和碳足跡在國際貿易中變得越來越重要。
Speaker1:So not only can they use this data to follow regulations, but it also gives them an advantage in understanding and maybe even influencing how these assessments are done globally. you got it.
Speaker2:It’s like suddenly everyone needs to speak a new language. China is right there,
not only speaking it fluently, but also helping to write the dictionary.
Speaker1: I’m starting to see the bigger picture here, but let’s go back to this WebLCA platform for a sec. Sure, how does it actually work? Okay. The document mentions unit processes that sounds kind of technical.
Speaker1:我開始看到這裡的全貌,但讓我們回到這個 WebLCA 平台上。好的,它實際上是如何運作的?好的。文件提到的單位過程聽起來有點技術性。
Speaker2 : It’s all about breaking down a complex product into smaller, more manageable chunks. Ok think of it like building with legos. Each brick is like a specific process in the products life cycle.
Speaker2 : 這一切都是關於將一個複雜的產品拆分成更小、更易於管理的部分。好吧,想像一下像用樂高積木搭建。每一塊磚就像產品生命週期中的一個特定過程。
Speaker1:So for that smartphone example, one brick might be mining the raw materials, another one would be assembling the phone.
Yes , and then another one shipping it to stores.
Speaker2: exactly each of those bricks is a unit process. And web oca lets you link them all together to create a model of the entire product life cycle.
Speaker2:每一塊磚都是一個單位過程。而網絡 oca 讓你將它們全部連接在一起,以創建整個產品生命週期的模型。
Speaker1: So you’re making like a chain of all the environmental impacts from start to finish. exactly.
Speaker2 : For each unit process, you need data on all the inputs and outputs like the energy submissions, waste and all that. The more detailed, the data, the more accurate your overall assessment will be.
Speaker1:This is where those databases we talked about come in, right?
Speaker2 : This is exactly where they come in. They provide pre calculated environmental impact data for a ton of materials and processes, especially for those early stages, where it can be really hard to get detailed information.
Speaker1:You’re building like a hybrid LCA model. You combine your own data with information from these outside sources. exactly. it’s like teamwork but for
Speaker1:你正在建立一個混合的 LCA 模型。你將自己的數據與這些外部來源的信息結合在一起。正是如此。這就像是團隊合作,但為了
sustainability. 可持續性。
Speaker2:Yeah, that’s a great way to put it. That’s great. And WebLCA makes that integration really easy. You can link certain unit processes in your model to data sets from the CLCD or other databases.
Speaker2:是的,這樣表達非常好。這太棒了。而 WebLCA 使得這種整合變得非常簡單。您可以將模型中的某些單位過程鏈接到 CLCD 或其他數據庫的數據集。
Speaker1:Even if you can’t get the exact numbers from like that Bolivian tin mine or whatever, you can use data from a database to get a good estimate. And by combining that detailed specific data, with the broader estimates, you get a much more accurate and complete picture of a product’s environmental journey.
Speaker2:We’ve set the goals. We’ve gathered data from everywhere. We’ve plugged it all into a WebLCA. is it just like magically give you a sustainability score now?
Speaker2:我們已經設定了目標。我們從各處收集了數據。我們將所有數據輸入到 WebLCA 中。這樣就能神奇地給你一個可持續性分數了嗎?
Speaker1 : It’s not magic, but it does some pretty impressive calculations. The next step is all about calculation and analysis. Okay. This is where WebLCA uses all the data to calculate the total environmental impact of the product. It’s like adding up
這不是魔法,但它確實能進行一些相當令人印象深刻的計算。下一步完全是關於計算和分析。好的。這就是 WebLCA 使用所有數據來計算產品的總環境影響的地方。這就像在加總
Speaker2: the impacts from every single unit process. like a receipt but for environmental harm.
Speaker1: that’s a really good analogy. It calculates the overall impact for each category, okay. Like carbon footprint, water, use resource depletion, all of that, and it can even do more.
Speaker2:It can perform sensitivity analyses to figure out which processes have the biggest impact on the overall results.
Speaker1:So you can like see at a glance where the biggest environmental problems are. exactly. that’s super helpful for companies who are trying to be more sustainable. It’s essential.
what do we do with that information ? That’s a great question. How do we make sense of it all?
Speaker2:So that’s where the next step comes in. Okay, interpretation. This is where you move beyond just the numbers and start figuring out the why, behind them.
Speaker1 : So it’s not enough to just say this phone has a carbon footprint of kilograms. right.
所以僅僅說這部手機的碳足跡是 公斤是不夠的。對吧。
You need to figure out what that actually means. exactly.
Speaker2:Interpretation is about putting those numbers into context, understanding the limits of the data and coming to some meaningful conclusions.
Okay ? For example , you might find out that a product’s high carbon footprint is mostly because of the fossil fuels used in transportation.
Speaker1:Maybe the solution isn’t to redesign the products. right. It’s to find more sustainable shipping or get materials from closer to home.
Speaker2 : Exactly. interpretation helps you understand the root causes,
Speaker2 : 沒錯。詮釋幫助你理解根本原因,
which then helps you find ways to improve. Cool. It might involve finding new materials or improving manufacturing or even redesigning the product.
So it’s more efficient.
Speaker1 : And last longer it sounds like this is where the real power power of LCA comes in. It’s not just about measuring the impact. right. It’s about understanding it and using that knowledge to make
演講者 1:而且聽起來更持久,這就是 LCA 真正力量的所在。這不僅僅是測量影響,對吧?而是理解它並利用這些知識來做出決策。
the last step, it’s all about reporting and communication. This is where you take all the complicated lca stuff and explain it in a way that everyone can understand.
最後一步,這一切都是關於報告和溝通。在這裡,你需要將所有複雜的 LCA 內容以每個人都能理解的方式解釋清楚。
Speaker1:So it’s about sharing the environmental journey of the product, taking it accessible to everyone. exactly. from like the people who work on it to the people who buy it.
Speaker2 : And to those regulators in the EU who are asking for this info.
Speaker2 : 對於那些在歐盟要求這些資訊的監管機構。
Speaker1: exactly. and what LCA actually helps with this. It can generate different types of reports, like detailed data table for the people who really want to dig deep, visual charts and graphs for quick overview, and even summaries for specific groups of people.
Speaker1:正是如此,而 LCA 實際上在這方面提供了幫助。它可以生成不同類型的報告,例如針對那些真正想深入研究的人提供詳細數據表,針對快速概覽提供視覺圖表和圖形,甚至為特定群體提供摘要。
The key is presenting the information in a way that’s both thorough and easy to understand.
Speaker2 : This makes me think about those EU carbon labeling rules again. does WebLCA help companies prove that they’re meeting their requirements. That’s a great question. Thanks.
Speaker2 : 這讓我再次想到那些歐盟的碳標籤規則。WebLCA 是否幫助公司證明他們符合要求?這是一個很好的問題。謝謝。
Speaker1:One of WebLCA’s strengths is that it can calculate carbon footprints, according to specific standard like the EU, PEF methodology, which is what those labels
Speaker1:WebLCA 的一個優勢是它可以根據特定標準(如歐盟、PEF 方法論)計算碳足跡,這正是那些標籤所依據的
Speaker2: are based on. It’s like a built-in compliance checker. Companies can use it to make sure their products meet all the rules. Exactly. That’s cool.
Speaker1:And it goes beyond just checking boxes. by using WebLCA to do these assessments.
演講者 1:這不僅僅是勾選框而已,而是通過使用 WebLCA 來進行這些評估。
Speaker2 : companies can pro actively identify areas where they can reduce their impact. which could give them a real advantage in a market where sustainability is becoming more and more important.
Speaker1:So it’s a win, win. good for the planet and good for business.
Exactly. Now this training document isn’t just theoretical, right? It actually highlights how companies in China are using WebLCA in the real world.
沒錯。現在這份培訓文件不僅僅是理論,對吧?它實際上突顯了中國的公司如何在現實世界中使用 WebLCA。
Speaker2:Yes, it does. It mentions companies using it to improve their products and supply chains. Get certifications and even use those eco-labels we talked about. That’s really interesting. They’re even using it in universities.
There’s a national competition for students, that’s cool, to show off their lca skills.
有一個全國性的學生比賽,這很酷,可以展示他們的 LCA 技能。
Speaker1:Awesome. It’s really cool. It’s like they’re building a whole generation of sustainability experts.
說話者 1:太棒了。這真的很酷。就像他們正在培養整整一代的可持續發展專家。
Exactly. That’s a smart move, especially considering how global trade is changing. Yeah. As more countries adopt regulations like the EU.having that knowledge and those tools will be essential for businesses. This whole conversation has been so in interesting.ilm seeing LCA in a whole new way. It’s not just a way to measure impact. It’s a driver of innovation and maybe even a new era of global cooperation. I think you’re right. Right. So we’re back and ilm ready to dig deeper into this whole WebLCA thing before we left off. You mentioned that six step roadmap for doing these assessments , right? I’m curious where do we go from setting the goal and scope.
沒錯。這是一個明智的舉措,特別是考慮到全球貿易的變化。是的。隨著越來越多的國家採用像歐盟那樣的法規,擁有這些知識和工具對企業來說將是必不可少的。整個對話非常有趣,我看到 LCA 有了全新的視角。它不僅僅是一種衡量影響的方法。它是創新的驅動力,甚至可能是一個全球合作的新時代。我認為你是對的。對。所以我們回來了,我準備深入探討這整個 WebLCA 的事情,在我們離開之前你提到過進行這些評估的六步路線圖,對吧?我很好奇從設定目標和範圍開始,我們該往哪裡去。
Speaker2: once what you’re trying to achieve and you’ve got those boundaries set It’s time to start gathering data.ok.this sis tep :unit process data collection.
It’s about getting into the nitty gritty details of every single step in a product’s life cycle.
Speaker1:So if we stick with our smartphone example, we need to find out things like how much energy it took to get the metals and minerals, how much water was used in manufacturing and even like how much fuel was burned to ship it to stores exactly.
Speaker2:It’s about putting numbers to each stage, getting as much specific data as possible.
Ideally, you’d go straight to the source for each step, talking to suppliers and gathering data from your own operations.right. ut that’s not always easy.
Speaker1:especially if you have a complex product. The global supply chain.exactly. Are you really gonna track down that tiny mine ? And ,I don’t know,bBlivia where they got the tin for the phone solder.
Speaker2 : that’s where things can get tricky.
It’s not always practical or even possible to collect all that primary data for every single little process. This is why those comprehensive databases are so important.
Speaker1:They’re not just useful. They’re like essential. They are essential.
Speaker2:Step three in the WebLCA process is connecting to those background databases.lthey’re ike a safety net.providing all that pre calculated environmental impact data for so many materials and processes, especially for those upstream stages where getting data can be really difficult.
Speaker2:WebLCA 過程的第三步是連接那些背景數據庫。它們就像一個安全網,提供了許多材料和過程的預計算環境影響數據,特別是在那些上游階段,獲取數據可能非常困難。
Speaker1:You’re building kind of a hybrid LCA model,
Speaker1:你正在建立一種混合的 LCA 模型,
combining your own data with info from these outside sources, exactly. It’s like teamwork.
Speaker2 : but for sustainability.that’s a great way to think about it. Awesome.and WebLCA makes this integration seamless. You can link processes to the data sets from the cCLCDor other databases.right.
Speaker2 : 但為了可持續性。這是一個很好的思考方式。太棒了。而 WebLCA 使這種整合變得無縫。你可以將過程與來自 cCLCD 或其他數據庫的數據集鏈接起來。對吧。
This step is about filling in those gaps, creating a full picture, even when you don’t have all the data.
Speaker1:even if you can’t get the exact energy numbers from that Bolivian tin mine.right.You can use data to get a good estimate.exactly.
Speaker2:And by combining that specific data with broader estimates, you create a much more accurate picture of the products environmental journey.
Speaker1:So we set the goal in the scope. We’ve gathered data from everywhere.we plug it all into WebLCA.does it just magically give us a sustainability score ?
Speaker1:所以我們在範圍內設定了目標。我們從各處收集了數據。我們將所有數據輸入 WebLCA。它會神奇地給我們一個可持續性分數嗎?
Speaker2:Not magic but close., right. ? Step four is about calculation and analysis , .okay.This is where WebLCA takes all that data.Yeah.and use it to calculate the total environmental impact.
Speaker2:不是魔法,但很接近,對吧?第四步是計算和分析,好吧。這就是 WebLCA 收集所有數據的地方。是的,並用它來計算總環境影響。
Speaker1:So it’s like adding up the impacts from every process…Yeah., it’s like a receipt but for environmental harm instead of money.
Speaker2: that’s a great way to put it. Cool. It calculates the impact for every category.carbon footprint , water, use resource depletion , you name it.it can even go deeper.performing sensitivity analyses, to figure out which processes have the biggest impact.
Speaker1: So you can see like where the biggest problems are right away. Exactly.
Speaker2:That’s so how incredibly valuable.
Speaker1: ok so we’ve got the numbers. Yeah , .and all these breakdowns of the impacts. But what do we actually do with that Information ?
Speaker1: 好的,我們已經得到了數據。是的,還有這些影響的細分。但是我們實際上該如何處理這些信息呢?
Speaker2:That’s where step five comes in.interpretation. Gotcha. This is where we move beyond just the numbers and figure out what they mean.
Speaker1:So it’s not enough to just have a number for the carbon footprint. We need to figure out what that actually means. Exactly.
Speaker2:Interpretation is all about putting those numbers into context , understanding the limits of the data and drawing some conclusions. For example , you might discover that a product’s high carbon footprint comes mainly from using fossil fuels for transportation.
演講者 2:解釋就是將這些數字放入上下文中,理解數據的限制並得出一些結論。例如,您可能會發現一個產品的高碳足跡主要來自於使用化石燃料進行運輸。
Speaker1: Maybe the solution is to change the shipping methods or get materials from.
Speaker2: closer by. xactly.ok.interpretation helps you understand the root causes. That helps you find ways to improve. That’s great. It might involve finding new materials , optimizing , manufacturing processes, or even redesigning the product.
Speaker1: So it’s more efficient, and lasts longer.exactly.This sounds like this is where the real power of LCA comes in.I think so.it’s not just about measuring impact , right ? .It’s about understanding it and using that knowledge to change things., you got it.awesome.
說得對,這樣更有效率,且持久。這聽起來正是 LCA 真正力量的所在。我認為是的。這不僅僅是衡量影響,對吧?這是關於理解它並利用這些知識來改變事物。你說對了。太棒了。
Speaker2: And then finally the last step is reporting in communication.This is where you take all those complicated LCA findings, and explain them so that everyone can understand.
Speaker2:最後一步是報告溝通。在這裡,你需要將所有那些複雜的 LCA 發現解釋清楚,讓每個人都能理解。
Speaker1: It’s like telling the story of the products journey , making it accessible to everyone, rom the teams who work on it to the customers and the regulators.
Speaker2:Exactly.wWebLCAeactually helps with this. It can generate different types of reports. Cool. You can have detailed data tables for the people who really want all the Info ,visual charts.fr a quick overview ,even summaries for specific groups.
Speaker2:正是如此。WebLCA 實際上可以幫助解決這個問題。它可以生成不同類型的報告。很酷。你可以為那些真正想要所有資訊的人提供詳細的數據表,還有視覺圖表以便快速概覽,甚至針對特定群體的摘要。
Speaker1:That’s really useful. It is.the key is to present the Information clearly. So it’s both comprehensive and easy to digest.exactly. This makes me think about those
eEUcarbon labeling rules again.does what LCA help companies prove that they’re meeting those requirements…
eEUcarbon 標籤規則再次。LCA 如何幫助公司證明他們符合這些要求……
Speaker2:It does one of its strengths is its ability to calculate carbon footprints , according to specific standards like the eEU PEFmethod , which is what those labels are based on.
Speaker2:它的一個優勢是能夠根據特定標準(如 eEU PEF 方法)計算碳足跡,而這正是這些標籤所依據的。
Speaker1:So it’s like a built in compliance checker.
Speaker2: It is.cool.and it goes beyond just checking boxes.by using WebLCA to do these assessments. Companies can find areas where they can reduce their impact , right ? Which can give them an advantage in a market where sustainability is becoming more and more important.
Speaker2:這很酷,它不僅僅是打勾而已。通過使用 WebLCA 進行這些評估,公司可以找到減少影響的領域,對吧?這可以讓他們在可持續性越來越重要的市場中獲得優勢。
Speaker1: This is good for the planet and good for business.
Speaker2: Exactly. Speaker2: 正是如此。
Speaker1:Now this training document isn’t just theoretical , no, it’s not. It shows how companies in China are using WebLCA in the real world. It does.
講者 1:現在這份培訓文件不僅僅是理論,不,並不是。它展示了中國的公司如何在現實世界中使用 WebLCA。確實如此。
Speaker2:That’s awesome. It talks about companies using it to improve their products , their supply chains , get certifications.right and even use those eco labels we talked about. That’s great. They’re even using web lco in universities. Wow. There’s a national competition where students can show off their lca skills. That’s so cool.
Speaker1: It’s like they’re treating a whole new generation of sustainability experts. Exactly , that’s amazing , especially with how global trade is changing. As more countries adopt rules like the eEU.having that knowledge in those tools will be essential for businesses.
Speaker1:就像他們正在培養一整代新的可持續發展專家。沒錯,這太驚人了,特別是在全球貿易變化的情況下。隨著越來越多的國家採用像 eEU 這樣的規則,擁有這些工具中的知識對企業來說將是至關重要的。
Speaker1: this has been such an eye opening conversation and seeing the potential of lca in a whole new light.
這是一場令人耳目一新的對話,讓我以全新的視角看到了 LCA 的潛力。
Yeah , it’s not just about measuring impact. It’s about driving innovation and maybe even global cooperation.
Speaker2:Ithink you’re right. That’s incredible.
Speaker1:We’re back for the last part of our deep dive into wether LCA and how it’s changing sustainable production , especially in China. Yeah , before the break we are talking about how this is more than just following rules. It’s about being a leader.
Speaker1:我們回來了,進入我們對於 LCA 的深入探討的最後一部分,以及它如何改變可持續生產,特別是在中國。是的,在休息之前,我們談到了這不僅僅是遵循規則,而是關於成為一個領導者。
Speaker2:That’s what I thought was so interesting about this training document. It’s like a Guide for how China is using WebLCA not just to follow the rules but to get ahead in the global market.
Speaker2:我覺得這份培訓文件最有趣的地方就是這一點。它就像是一個指南,說明中國如何利用 WebLCA 不僅僅是遵循規則,而是如何在全球市場中取得優勢。
Speaker1:That’s smart , right ? It is because if sustainability is the new standard for business, the countries and companies that really understand these tools will be the ones who succeed absolutely.
Speaker2: think about it as consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of their choices.
They’re gonna want more transparency. Yeah, they wanna know the story behind the products , not just what it does, but how it was made and what its impact is.
Speaker1: Those eEUcarbon labels, they’re not just a bureaucratic thing. They’re actually giving consumers good Info, exactly. So they can make better decisions.
Speaker1: 那些 eEU 碳標籤不僅僅是官僚主義的東西。它們實際上為消費者提供了良好的資訊,確實如此。這樣他們可以做出更好的決策。
Speaker2: as those labels become more common, companies that already use LCA and have the data will be the ones that stand out.
隨著這些標籤變得越來越普遍,已經使用 LCA 並擁有數據的公司將會脫穎而出。
Speaker1:So it’s like a seal of approval, like a badge that says we care about sustainability.
Speaker2:Exactly. And China by building its own database and using platforms like WebLCA right ? They’re in a great spot to meet that demand , not just in Europe but around the world.
Speaker2:正是如此。中國通過建立自己的數據庫並使用像 WebLCA 這樣的平台,對吧?他們在滿足這一需求方面處於有利地位,不僅在歐洲,還在全球範圍內。
Speaker1: It’s strategic for sure. They’re investing in what they need to be part of the conversation about sustainability and maybe even change how it happens on a global scale.
Speaker2:Exactly.something that keeps coming up in the document is collaboration. They really emphasized data sharing and open platforms to make Ica more effective.
Speaker2:正是如此。文件中反覆提到的一件事是合作。他們非常強調數據共享和開放平台,以使 Ica 更有效。
Speaker1:There’s a good reason for that. Yeah. The more data we have , the more accurate these assessments can be. ight ?.If companies , researchers , governments , if everyone’s willing to share their data , everyone wins.
Speaker2: The document even mentions that with WebLCA users can publish their own databases.
Speaker2: 文件甚至提到,使用 WebLCA 用戶可以發布自己的數據庫。
Speaker1:That’s huge. That’s a big step towards a more open system. Imagine a global open source , LCA database. Updated all the time with the newest Info , it would be incredible. You would be like the.
Speaker1:這太大了。這是朝著更開放系統邁出的一大步。想像一下全球開源的 LCA 數據庫。隨時更新最新資訊,這將是不可思議的。你會像是。
Speaker2: wikipedia of sustainability , exactly. Everyone contributes. Everyone benefits.
Speaker1: it would make doing these assessments so much easier , more organizations could do them. Even those without a lot of resources.
Speaker2: it could really change things. They could give everyone a chance to be more sustainable. Yeah , that brings us to our final thought. We talked a lot about the technical side of LCA and how it’s changing things. ight ?.But this is about more than just numbers and rules. It’s about creating a future where sustainability is it the core of everything we use ?.
Speaker2:這真的可以改變很多事情。他們可以給每個人一個更可持續的機會。是的,這引出了我們的最後一個想法。我們談了很多關於 LCA 的技術面以及它如何改變事物。對吧?但這不僅僅是關於數字和規則。這是關於創造一個可持續性成為我們所用一切核心的未來。
Speaker1:So the question we want you to think about is as LCA and carbon foot printing become more and more important , how can you as a 新 consumer, se this Information to make better choices exactly and demand more sustainable products. Remember ,
Speaker1:所以我們希望你思考的問題是,隨著 LCA 和碳足跡變得越來越重要,作為一個新消費者,你如何利用這些資訊來做出更好的選擇,並要求更多可持續的產品。記住,
Speaker2 : every purchase you make is a vote that’s a great point by supporting companies that are transparent about their impact , and are working to be more sustainable. You’re sending a powerful message. That’s a great point to end on.I think so it’s not just up to governments and big companies. We all have a role to play.exactly. Thanks for joining us for this deep dive into WebLCA.it was my pleasure. We hope you learn something new, nd are inspired to make a difference. Keep asking questions , keep learning and keep pushing for a brighter , more sustainable future.
每一次購買都是一票,這是一個很好的觀點,通過支持那些對其影響透明並努力變得更可持續的公司,你正在傳遞一個強有力的信息。這是一個很好的結尾。我認為這不僅僅是政府和大公司的責任。我們每個人都有角色要扮演。正是如此。感謝你加入我們對 WebLCA 的深入探討。這是我的榮幸。我們希望你能學到一些新知識,並受到啟發去改變現狀。繼續提問,繼續學習,並繼續推動更光明、更可持續的未來。
Speaker2: Couldn’t agree more.
Speaker2: 完全同意。(#完)
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