Organizational Charter
Supply-chain council for Science-Based Targets initiatives & standards (SSBTi)

SSBTi Organizational Charter
Supply-chain council for Science-Based Targets initiatives & standards (SSBTi)
Organizational Charter
Article 1 (Name): The name of this organization is the Supply-chain council for Science-Based Targets initiatives & standards, abbreviated as SSBTi.
Article 2 (Purpose): This alliance is a global non-governmental organization (NGO) initiated by the private sector, with a non-profit motive. Its purpose is to awaken enterprises across countries or regions to the importance of sustainable awareness of Earth's resources. The alliance promotes the adoption of methodologies related to scientific carbon reduction initiatives, assists in guiding both public policies and private enterprise decisions towards sustainable development, enhances environmental quality, engages in environmental protection, and maintains environmental resources.
Article 3 (Tasks): The tasks of this alliance are as follows, which are promoted and executed by the alliance members or representatives from various countries or regions in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of that country or region.
1. Promote and assist enterprises in joining international mainstream carbon disclosure platforms, namely the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and drive cooperation among relevant supply chain companies internationally.
2. Promote and assist enterprises in joining international standards for science-based carbon reduction initiatives (SBTi), advocate for actions aligned with international carbon footprint and carbon neutrality standards, realize sustainable development goals, and enhance cooperation among relevant supply chain companies internationally.
3. Assist local governments in planning and establishing greenhouse gas control regulations, promote international academic research and cooperative exchanges.
4. Support enterprises in international and domestic carbon trading and achieve regulatory reduction targets.
5. Assist businesses in greenhouse gas reduction, plan and implement carbon asset management projects, draft and analyze carbon market policies, and provide corporate carbon asset management services.
6. Aid global supply chain companies in greenhouse gas inventory, carbon rights application, carbon footprint and neutrality, ESG, CDP, SBTi carbon reduction initiatives, and other environmental topics technical consulting services.
7. Organize academic seminars on environmental protection, skill and educational training activities, publish literature, assist local governments, businesses, and civil society in recognizing environmental ideologies and changing policies, and propose feasible solutions for environmental protection and carbon reduction.
8. Other matters related to achieving the objectives of the alliance.
Article 4 (Organizational Position): The alliance is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. Members of the alliance promote work based on the objectives and tasks set out in this charter and are guided and supervised by the alliance's headquarters.
Article 5 (Regional Scope): The organizational regions of this alliance encompass countries and regions worldwide.
Article 6 (Headquarters and Branches): The alliance's headquarters is located in California, USA. Members can establish branch offices (alliance branches) or representative offices in various countries or regions with the approval of the alliance. The organizational branches of the alliance in each country or region must register with the local government in accordance with the law. The alliance's headquarters will assign personnel to supervise and assist in branch operations.
Article 7 (Membership Qualifications): The members of the alliance are composed of units and groups from various countries or regions. Any foundation, social group, private institution, company, academic, or educational unit that has registered with the local government in their country or region and has legal entity status can apply for membership. Once approved by the alliance, they become members of the alliance in their country or region. Each member unit can appoint two representatives to participate in the general assembly.
Article 8 (Member Cooperation): To achieve fairness, reciprocity, and resource sharing, members within the alliance can engage in global strategic cooperation. The methods of cooperation include jointly advocating for the environmental protection goals of the alliance's objectives and tasks, joint research and development of related technical services, joint participation in activities initiated by members in accordance with the charter of the alliance, and joint consultation, experience sharing, and reference.
Article 9 (General Assembly and Election of the Chairman): The highest authority of the alliance is the general assembly, which elects one chairman. The chairman represents the alliance externally, oversees and supervises the affairs of the alliance internally, and serves as the chairman of the general assembly.
Article 10 (Suspension and Expulsion of Members): Members have the duty to comply with the charter of the alliance and its resolutions. Members who violate laws, the charter, or do not comply with the resolutions of the general assembly may be warned or suspended by the chairman of the alliance. If their actions severely harm the alliance, they may be expelled by resolution of the general assembly.
Article 11 (Powers of the General Assembly): The powers of the general assembly include:
1. Formulating and amending the charter.
2. Electing and dismissing the chairman of the alliance.
3. Deciding on the annual work plan, reports, and budgets.
4. Deciding on the expulsion of members.
5. Deciding on the dissolution of the alliance.
6. Deciding on other significant matters related to the rights and obligations of members.
Article 12 (Powers of the Chairman): The powers of the chairman of the alliance include:
1. Approving membership qualifications.
2. Proposing the expulsion of members.
3. Hiring and dismissing staff.
4. Drafting the annual work plan, reports, and budgets.
5. Proposing a list of candidates for the next chairman of the alliance.
6. Other duties to be performed.
Article 13 (Term of the Chairman): The chairman of the alliance serves in an unpaid position with a term of 9 years and can be re-elected.
Article 14 (Alliance Staff): The alliance may employ a secretary-general to handle the affairs of the alliance under the command of the chairman. Other staff may be hired upon the approval of the chairman.
Article 15 (Development of the Alliance's Organization): The alliance may establish various task organizations and related responsible persons. Implementation or changes are subject to the approval of the chairman of the alliance.
Article 16 (Convening the General Assembly): There are two types of general assemblies of the alliance members: regular meetings and extraordinary meetings, convened by the chairman of the alliance. Regular meetings are held once every three years, while extraordinary meetings are convened when the chairman deems it necessary.
Article 17: This charter is implemented upon approval by the general assembly of the alliance members and the same applies to any changes.
Article 18: This charter was approved by the general assembly of the alliance.
本聯盟名稱為「供應鏈科學減碳目標倡議聯盟」英文名為Supply-chain council for Science-Based Targets initiatives & standards(簡稱:SSBTi聯盟)
一、推動及協助企業加入各項國際上主流之碳揭露服務平台(Carbon Disclosure Project,CDP),並帶動國際間相關供應鏈企業合作。